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Portland Maine

So what do you do when there's a crazy snow storm and you need to get from Vermont to Portland Maine? you drive very very very slowly for hours...

but it was so worth it!

I've never been to Portland before and honestly it was really to cold to walk around, we did manage to go down to the port from the hotel for about 10 minutes just to look around a little, we loved what we saw and truly wished it was just a little warmer, we then drove down the coast running out of the car to snap some pictures and just smell the ocean before we were almost blown away by the wind, it was crazy...and beautiful!

So here we are that age of our-friends-kids-are-getting-married, hard to believe, this time our dear friends daughter Isabelle got married yesterday, the wedding was so elegant and beautiful and took place at Grace, an old church that was converted into a restaurant, we danced and danced and enjoyed the amazing food and the wonderful Seven Deadly Sins cocktails...that's me dancing away! it was so much fun!! congratulations Isabelle and Ryan!

This morning we woke up to a warm and cozy breakfast and a windy stroll down to the port and waterfront, here are some photos I managed to take before my hands turned into icicles...

Portland Lobster Co. restaurant in the old port and the Fort William Lighthouse on Cape Elizabeth

Beautiful little shops and cafes and cobble stones street in portland and the Love Lock fence on a waterfront fence

more cobble stone streets and on the right lunch at El Rayo Taqueria restaurant  in Scarborourgh on our way back home to Vermont







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